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Context of the Project Idea CmInternetStats | InternetStats.CM

The Idea of Project named | InternetStatsCM or, was raised during a cmNOG's Community discussion 1). Someone asked statistics about Internet Usage in Cameroon by region, but it lacked even in our National Institute of Statistics 2), but the IUT website 3) gives only the whole stats from Cameroon about the Internet Usage; then an idea to carry such a project was proposed to volunteer on. That was the beginning of a simple idea of launching a project which could collect informations, threath it and publish regular or timely statistics about Internet Usage in Cameroon, region by region. …

This page contains a description of the idea of the project Cameroon Internet Stats.

Description of the Idea of Project | cmInternetStats

CmInternetStats is an Idea of Project from the cmNOG's Community and currently in a reflection status, under a collaborative base on which all the Internet community is invited to add their voice.

Collected In Reflection Mode

Here we see this lack of ability to collect and publish statistics as an opportunity to make thing happen from our perspective. To achieve something, we have to begin within few guys; perhaps when they will see things take form some other guys would join then…

What looks as necessary to do before ?

In my personal understanding, I think that we could do the following :

  1. Identify the needs, concerning any type of resources, for this idea of statistical project
  2. See which method and mean of data collection to adopt in such project ? (collect data in network traffic? or by a site/remote survey? both?)
  3. Look at human resources
  4. Look at funding
  5. Gather or Put all resources together before launching the project

In perspective, within good results 4) from our AtlasCM project, which is distributing probes from RIPE Atlas 5), we would have a simple monitoring mean to collect useful information from the networks in Cameroon. But that is an other Idea of project : StatusCM. This could be done by setting up a monitoring and monitoring infrastructure for the Internet connectivity provided via the networks deployed in Cameroon…

Operational implementation:

An example to follow could be the one from the Nigerian's NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 6), even just for the regular updates…

good adhesion of the community